Friday, October 7, 2011

Video of the Moment: Mimi Mia!

Hooray! I just got an internship at a fashion showroom located in downtown L.A. As a perk to my intern duties, I get to work with the most awesome people. One of my co-workers, N, played some nostalgic tunes and one of them is "Heartbreaker" by Mariah Carey. Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Video from

Sunday, October 2, 2011

LOL of the Moment: Surveys

Yesterday was Big Show at my university. I decided to volunteer with the American Marketing Association (AMA) just because I want to gain marketing field experience and a free ticket to the show. Anyway, my responsibility involved surveying attendees. To make things interesting, one of the survey questions gave me a lot of flack, just because the university is trying to be politically correct about it. Here is a sampler:

Me: Hi there, I'm with the Associated Students and I'm here to take a survey. Would you like to participate?

Stranger: Yeah, sure. Why not?

Me: With which gender do you identify? Male. Female. Other.

Stranger gives me a squinty look, then replies.

Stranger: I'm fluid. Where does that fit?

Besides those awkward encounters, I had a blast watching The Cataracs and B.o.B. perform. In the words of my AMA president: it was AMAzing!

Video from