Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fun of the Moment: Eating Out

After days of stressing out, I finally had my break!

The hoopla: I ate out with family and friends. And this time, I enjoyed every bite I chewed.

Last week was not like any other because my beloved relatives came over! It's a special occasion when this set of relatives come because they live so far north (think San Jose, California and Canada), and seeing them is such a rarity.

To compensate for lost time we ate at this Chinese restaurant, Ocean Seafood, and chatted it up! I wasn't a fan of the seafood but the little moments I spent with my Canadian cousin is so cool. She is really a worldly person, in the truest sense: she was born somewhere in the Middle East, lived in Hong Kong for years, visits relatives in the Philippines, Pakistan, the United States occasionally, and resides in humble Canada! Talk about traveler status.

Next day on my book is volunteering at church! My group was assigned to teach aerobics exercise to the senior folks, and it was a blast. They said they enjoyed it very much and urged us to do it again (in time, people!). After that, my group ate lunch.

I was thinking along the lines of fast food but little did I know that the group leader wanted to "party it up." So we headed to
Alcove (pictured), this trendy cafe/restaurant. The ambiance is absolutely exquisite; it has that outdoorsy, Euro feel similar to French cafes mixed with Cali flair. It's even astounding to know they allow dogs to dine with their masters!

And yes, every bite I ate was so satisfying. Not only did the food fill my stomach, but it gave me an opportunity to relish every moment with people I care.


Ahahgshene said...

nico this sounds so much fun. i wish i can hang out with you soon :] i feel like you guys are the only one i can actually hang out with :[

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

The thing that really connects Filipinos together is eating together. I always say, a family that eats together stays together. There is something about eating together that really seems so binding.
Oh and you taught aerobics to some senior citizens?! Awww that is really sweet of you. I'm sure they had a blast, especially with your energy and your presence there. =)

Have a great weekend!

Ahahgshene said...

i really thought that i commented you already but i just wanted to say how fun that sounded. i wish i can bond with my family too. but i don't really know who they are... wait a minute.. hence, bonding lol! DUH to me!

okay... we need to hang out again! sheesh, it's been a long while :x

also, thanks for wishing me luck for my test!

Trish said...

oh how fun! where is this place? what did you eat? wooo having guests from places is fun in a way coz you get to dine out XD

Nico said...

Yep, this day was sooo fun. I loved it. Mel, that's so true about dining; it's a bonding experience more than a hunger-fighter!

And Trish, Ocean Seafood is at Chinatown..i think at Hill. And the Alcove is somewhere in Silver Lake (i think) there's a link to it!

And Abby, fo sho, we are surely gonna hang. ;D