Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reflection of the Moment: Aims and Misses

It's almost the end of the year and I'm taking stock of some important events. I should be doing reflections toward the year's end, but I'd rather have more time to undo or anticipate some things. Here's nostalgia and optimism at work:

What I Miss

1. Summer vacation - no matter how much I ranted about it, in the end I miss it. Dearly.

2. Cousin-ly bond - when my Kansanite cousins came over, I realized how much more fun it would be if they lived right here. They definitely brought the crazies.

3. Summer school - I failed to take summer school so this is a literal miss. Now I'm behind a semester. Wonk wonk.

4. Abby - she moved to Las Vegas for good reasons, but I already miss her! Well, at least she's not on the other side of the globe.

What I'm Looking Forward To

1. Posting my first September feature - it's under works but I'll reveal it when the time comes! Do stand by for updates.

2. New York Fashion Week - Spring 2011 collections en masse. What can be better than that?

3. My birthday - huge event I'm half-heartedly anticipating. Pro: I'm gonna be legal! Con: more responsibilities. Best of both worlds.

4. Visiting Abby - no matter how far away she is, I'll still visit her. Time to save some money, honey!

And if you're wondering why I have some somber-titled music for this post, don't fear! I am not in some emo phase, on the verge of cutting myself. I just like this song. Don't believe me? Go listen!

Video from


ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Summer vacation? Man...I miss that too. It's been so long since I've gone on vacation. I miss having boring days. Advance happy birthday Nico.

noone said...

lol i hated summer school, but some classes were only offered in summer so I had to do it.... and yeah totally miss summer vacations already!

Wenny said...

It's good to look forward with properly planning.