Saturday, November 13, 2010

Introspection of the Moment: What I Want

A friend once said that he gave up pursuing what he wanted in life. It's not that he's defeated; rather he relinquished authority over his life so God can step in, and lead it for him. He confesses that after the change, life has been very "satisfying."

In Psalms 34:8, it says "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." Here, "refuge" not only meant asking God for help, but it also meant depending on Him.

It's easy to read the passage and assume it'll be a piece of cake to let God take care of us. In reality, it's hard--probably the hardest in life--to let God take care of us when it entails allowing Him to be the master of our life! Yes, you read that right: Him the Master, the Sovereign leader, the President of our life. I know how ludicrous this sounds, but even though this arrangement doesn't leave us to any position other than to follow, it might be worthwhile to consider.

I don't want to engage in a Faustian trade that'll compromise who I am.

If you remember the film "The Devil Wears Prada," protagonist Andy Sachs led her life into a spiral because she did things her way. Of course there were a lot of factors that influenced Andy's decisions but, predominantly, it was her intrinsic motivation for success. In the process of mastering and leading her life, Andy had to exchange a part of her to attain what she thought was success.

Personally, I want to attain success (who doesn't?). Yet my fear is if I was stubborn enough to do it my way, I might end up like Andy. I don't want my life to be that way. I don't want to engage in a Faustian trade that'll compromise who I am. I don't want to be the sell-out.

And if Andy's story is any indication, then perhaps there is merit in letting God take hold of our life. Again in the passage, those who depended on God secured the privilege to "Taste and see" His goodness. We all know that God's goodness is over and beyond our expectations. So shouldn't it be safe to say that the risk to yield to His will is nil?

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Ricademus said...

Having faith in God's will frees us from worry overall, but it doesn't make decisions for us regarding what career path to follow, what job offers to accept, where to live, etc. We still need to do out homework and make the best choices we can, knowing that God's with us. My 2 cents! =)

Trish said...

ah i want something i cant have, but dont we all? good luck to you nico! & to myself coz im stubborn at times too haha

Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

yeah but how do you know when God is leading you? this is what confused me so much about God because sometimes, i felt like it was God telling me what to do and then next thing i know... it's just my conscious. it was so confusing :/

ching said...

wow Nico you should definitely publish this as an anrticle or something your writing is really clean and straight forward.
i've always thought that God would be happy with whatever decision we make as long as we honor it for Him? if we do things we are unhappy doing than that is life not lived at all.

Shane B said...

I'm going through the exactly same thing... all I know is that a heart wants what it wants. maybe there will be some detours, but you'll finally be where you belong :)

following you!

noone said...

wanting something i can't have, that is the story of my life. ha! but then again isn't that what drives us to do what we do? :)

myu said...

Inspiring, Nico~
Very, very inspiring. :D

Anonymous said...

hey nico! now your making me wna watch The Devil Wears Prada lol

Anonymous said...

oops sry this is emer btw haha