Friday, November 5, 2010

Quick Vid of the Moment: Lanvin + H&M

I didn't have such a great day today, and I owe it all to a friend who really disappointed me. Thanks a lot, dude!

Anyway, I encountered this video for the Lanvin + H&M collaboration. Even if Lanvin was reasonably priced, it still wouldn't lose the romanticism and elegance embedded in the house's DNA.

Lanvin would never lose its elegance and sophistication.

After viewing the video, I thought the lunettes de soleil look pretty cool. But I've had it with cheap sunglasses. No matter how great the design is, it's still no good (breaks quickly).

Here are some lovely cartoonish looks from H&M's website:

Video from; images from


Farah said...

omg!! I LOVE it! I wish I could get my hands on them :(

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

The cheap sunglasses were a bit disturbing, but nonetheless I still love Lanvin's collection. His collection looks so chic.

noone said...

man I wish H&M sell their stuff online. Or else open an h&m here in ottawa!

Shane B said...

I can't imagine the crowd when they arrive at the store ~~

Nico said...

@ Pop: what!?!? there's no H&M in Ottawa? well, hopefully they roll out there soon!

@ Mel: yeah, i think the glasses were a little tooooo big. that's like my whole forehead right there.

Wenny said...

Yeah I know I'm 2 weeks late but better late than never huh? Anyway, I hope whatever your friend did, you guys have buried the hatchet. Cheers!!!

Jan Nicole Puentevella Uy said...

This collection is HEAVENLY!!!

Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

dude... girls were going gaga for this O_O

ice pandora said...

Totally obsessed with Lanvin latelyyy