Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lust of the Moment: BlackBerry PlayBook

In an attempt to stay relevant in the mobile computing industry, Research in Motion, the maker of BlackBerry, taps into the tablet competition. I absolutely love the PlayBook not only because it gives a more professional vibe but it also reminds me of my Palm Pre Plus (from the gestures right down to the multitasking capability--almost like webOS!).

I am rooting for RIM to make this work. You can do it!

P.S.: The ghostly and hip soundtrack is "Where I'm Going" by Cut Copy.

P.P.S.: The 16 GB version of the PlayBook retails for a very down-to-earth price of $199.99. Eyeing on the 32 GB version plus a leather envelope case. Totally reminded me of the jelly clutch from Christopher Kane--if it was more business and less party.

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